
Rahasia Cara Membuat Tanaman Buah Berbuah di Luar Musim

Rahasia Cara Membuat Tanaman Buah Berbuah di Luar Musim -
the secret brings out the fruit in its season beyond the known only to a few people. But very many people who desperately want to know this technology, including you. Of the few people who knew the secret, only a small fraction that understands exactly this technology and apply her appropriately. Many events after successful dibuahkan tree with a dense, but then its growth languished even die.
This secret will share in order for fruit trees and planters who becomes a "victim" can be reduced. Here is the "secret" are presented.

Technology brings out the fruit out of season technology called off-season . The purpose of this technology there are two, the first is purely economic motives aimed at driving up commodity prices of fruits is much higher compared to when in thy simnya-on season. The second goal is more idealistic, on the application of policy when the Community food fruits nuhan society so that it is available all year round.

Commodities fruits tested successfully in the implementation of the technology off-season are: lengkeng, durian, mango, guava, Orange and Apple.
The purpose of the application of the technology of the off-season's first economic motives-do ber association with closely with karakteris tik agobisnis commodity products are different from other commodities. Products of agro business easy damaged, had a large bio-mass, requires a place to warehouse and transport, duknya diverse pro results/multi grade (Gumbira, 2001).

Where if you're harvesting the Kingdom-on-season fruit, as there is no price, sold at a price very cheap. Are otherwise moderate season, fruit with the same quality and quantity sold at many times fold more expensive. Examples of konkretnya are on commodities, mango and durian Orange

interesting Phenomenon that Quality Assurance berhu bungan with Food (Food Safety), there is in the business of fruits, for example at the moment is not Orange season Lokam or Ponkam with a very bad quality (off-grade) still stormed the buyer. With fruit could dibu ahkan all season, then the fruit diaan keterse will be evenly distributed throughout the year with sufficient amounts. So consumers still obtain good quality ber fruit at reasonable prices.

For people who already know the technology off-season, this is a very interesting business opportunities. But often to benefit the most of the technology is not implemented wisely, especially if the implement is the vendors ' Alley-pengijon clan, the middleman and the country's entire stock.

An example of the application of technology that is wise not much happening on the mango in Rembang, Wonogiri, Situbondo, Probolinggo and Pasuruan. Where is the mango season started well before the pengijon had already come to the farmer/mango planters, they signed-mengijon mango is higher than the regular market price, farmers are glad, abysmal keun great tungan in her mind.

Then after the deal, the peng ijon apply astringent balance grow (ZPT), which stop the vegetative phase and bring up the generative phase of flowers and fruit. Usually by application of ZPT mangoes will bear fruit forward two months before the season and bear fruit very, very dense.
Pengijon good thing big, because in addition to the price of the Mango Mango production, quantity or more also more. Farmers argued that Peng ijon are in luck suddenly beja, Language Richness – because of natural grace. New farmers realized when after harvesting the trees mangganya not immediately recovered with growing extinct and new shoots.
Mangganya tree growing increasingly anguished, leaves many of which dry up, fall or perming, limb mengkerut and easily broken twigs (brittle), durability of weak plants (susceptible to pests and diseases), and often the harvest was due to harvest the trees eventually die.

Various technology Off-season.
In fact at the time of our ancestors used to be the off-season's technology is already implemented, inter alia by means of:

: Kerat Whittle vessel floem (tree bark) circular along ling karan tree until xylem vessels become visible (wood).
Pruning : trim the leaves, branches and twigs or bare trees, to the left a little leaves.
Scarring of the : Hurt floem vessels with sharp objects. Its shape can be with mengerok, count my mema, or cutting into the bark.
Binding of : tie wire to ngan de tree transport results of photo synthesis floem duct is obstructed.
Stressing the water : Don't flush ta naman to achieve permanent wilting point, then suddenly do penggenangan per, tubers and the base of the stem until water saturated in the given time.

the fifth technology off-season konven this framework, in principle is the sump element comparison meru carbon (C) and nitrogen (N)-C/N ratio-in the body of the plant. Conventional way this posting have the weakness that is immeasurable. If the application happens to be fit, yes work but otherwise pas ga ya gal. In the cultivation of conventional way ter call not dire comments that, because besides the mem could not provide the certainty, it can also damage trees akibatkan meng se ca ra physically and physiologically.

The current way that scalable and most ba nyak selected is to not use PowerPoint instead of agro-chemical, beru pa active ingredient substances pe ngatur grow (ZPT). On the principle of his tek nologi agro-chemical plant physiological change with this how to drag phase pertum buhan vegetative or hormonal role ngan de chemical compounds, in order to make appear the generative phase of flowers and fruit (Superior Su roso, 2008).
Plants that like to dibuahkan out of season must meet three important prerequisites, namely:

the plant is healthy, with marked branching, dark green shiny leaves and not being stricken with pests or disease.
the plant was already old enough or have already flowering. PEM bu ngaan under can unban akibatkan disruption of vegetative plants buhan pertum meng akibatkan posture plants become stunted and unhealthy.
the more mainstream plants not in phase accelerated growth vege Friday tatif in Javanese language it is called a budget (vowel letters e read as in the word: a sword). Marked by the absence of: the growth of new leaves and shoots of the plant (extinct).

ZPT Deployment in essence, each sub-familia planting an have ZPT, although there could influence ZPT flowering was significant on several types of plants. ZPT used for memun flower culkan in the off-season, among others are: NAA, Auxin, Gibberelin, Mr. lo butrazol and Po tasium Chlorate (KClO3).

Sodium NAA (Naphthyl Acetic Acid/Acid Naftali Acetate) is that has the utility of jens ZPT men push the flowering plant at pak serem. With the concentration of 5-10 ppm disem prot right to all parts of the plant are primarily leaf stomata are proven to be able to bring up the flowers.
Auxin in particular rarely under dagangkan with a particular trademark, because the price per miligramnya very expensive. Belongs in the laboratory materials can be obtained at the store chemicals. Auxin is used in small doses, part per million (ppm), serves to stimulate cell renewal, the formation of flowers and fruit, per plant roots on cuttings of the stem growing point 2-mem, as well as prevent the fall leaves and fruit.

Previous Gibberelin also terma suk laboratory materials are expensive and dipergunkan in small doses such as auxin, but now a lot of the selling in the market in da lam form suspension, with brands such as: ProGibb and Super Gb. when meng want Gibberelin pure can be obtained at the store chemicals with GA3 or GA6. Gibberelin function make flowering plant before his time, making large-large fruit plants without seeds, making the plants so the shelf sasa, mem accelerate the growth of the seeds and buds and stimulate the activity of kambium. Both auxin gibberelin as well as better suited for use under annuals such as pepper, melon, watermelon and pumpkin.

Paklobutrazol on the market have trade names including Patrol, Cultar, Goldstar. This function stops the ZPT phase of vegetative and generative phase spur. Excessive use can result in brittle branches, stem and leaf, adopting riting and vegetative growth be stalled (stagnant) until a period of 3 years. Proven effective used on crops like mango, Apple, guava, Orange and water durian.

Potassium Chlorate (KClO3). The Chemical Brothers are still close to the explosives used in the bomb Amrozi cs. Bali, at certain doses has been shown to be able to bring up the flowers. The success of the experiment conducted in Thailand flowering, has now been used en masse to komo lengkeng ditas (Dimo carpus longan) and lychee (Litchi chinensis).

In addition to ZPT-ZPT mentioned above, there are also products to raise off-season fruit served in integrated. The composition contains not only the ZPT but also amino acids, certain macro-comparison with NPK and micro (Mg, Mn, B, Zn) required the plant at the time of flowering and fruit filling. This is done to ensure at the time of the plant dibuahkan in the off-season will not be a shortage of nutrients it needs. Trade mark on the market there are a variety of such, to discuss the work Formula there lengkeng Narin who come from Thailand or Farmpion Booster and Champion Malaysia-made, which can be found in stores such as: Hortimart to jump-start economic per AgroCenter Bawen-Semarang and Trubus-Ungaran.

Terms Post Application.
Postgraduate applications there are a few things to note, namely: the plant should flower water, fertilization would be sure of the right (time, composition & dose), Environmental Sanitation and control of pests and diseases. Actually the pem buahan in the off-season was work for the plant, since the metabolism in the body will change from vegetative to generative-and running quickly. It makes the terms so that water, sanitation, nutrition and health of the plant must be fulfilled.

Water is required for tranpor (hara) of nutrients from the roots to the fotosistesis process takes place faster with quantity more than usual, given the results of photosynthesis in the form of starch and fructose produced in large quantities for filling of fruit. Compost and inorganic fertilizer with a low Nitrogen and phosphorus composition-high Potassium (e.g. NPK 10-30-30) manuals needs to support pem ben tukan floral-fruity.

Compost se good given exactly two months lum applications do de sum ngan-to ta naman 3 years-minimum of 20 kg. Inorganic fertilizers are given two times more than when the plant is not producing, to plant 3 years given the NPK nitrate 40 Gr. each 30 days x 5 times the application, by way of diko corkan with 5 liters of water between the base of the stem and the outer header.

Next sanitation done de ngan how to clear weeds total under heading plants, are weeds/grass outside the heading simply cut down 2-3 cm so as not to become a nest of pests and diseases. Pest that can thwart the formation of flower-fruit is a white lice live as parasites on extinct and young leaves, the little green Caterpillar penggerek died out and the fruit flies that lay eggs on fruit would.

To tick white and green caterpillars can be destroyed with insecticides with adhesive, while for fruit flies ' Setup with the war bonnet/glue made of active methyl eugenol, a mark in the field is Petrogenol, ATP, Laila and Cherry Glue. For when fruit flies were not immediately arrested, he would have eroded the fruit, lay eggs on fruit and designate their larvae will we find in the fruit is ripe.

source: URhttp://www.lintangsore.com/2016/06/cara-membuat-tanaman-buah-berbuah.html?
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