
Cara Produksi Tahu: Bisnis Modal Kecil Dan Tahan Banting

Cara Produksi Tahu: Bisnis Modal Kecil Dan Tahan Banting -

A market potential of a product Idea

Know is soy-based food products is already known for a long time in Indonesia. In contrast to tempe native Indonesia food which is, know the origin of the food products is China. As the product of tempe, know too much favored by the people of Indonesia because it has the taste of a delicious, nutritious and affordable price is also high. In Indonesia, tofu has become a very familiar foods consumed by the lower classes pay as well as top class. Know it has become a very familiar cuisine encountered on classmates warteg stalls to top restaurants. In addition to dishes side dishes, tofu has been processed into various food products like; know the meatballs, dumpling, fried tofu, tofu gejrot, gado-gado and snacks such as chips and others. This shows that the idea of having a vast market share.
Know is food products that perishable because it has a high protein and moisture content is a potential growing media for microorganism pembusuk. The product idea has a short shelf life of 2-3 days, it is becoming an obstacle to reaching a wider market. Generally the craftsmen know production in scale home industry with production capacity according to market the capabilities of its results.
to increase the durability of know, generally the craftsmen know mixing preservatives. However, to preserve the know should be done with the safe materials do not cause illness or death against the consumer. The use of hazardous materials such as formaldehyde should be avoided.  Know which have been soaked with formalin textures into a compact and hard and the water levels are a little more. Know that having good quality is to have bright colors and clean, not loud, not smell, using natural dyes such as turmeric. Preserving a safe and inexpensive idea can be done by using potassium sorbat. Know who soaked in a solution of boiling water mixed potassium sorbat 0.3%, have a shelf life a week in room temperature. Another way that is generally used by the craftsmen know is by soaking in a solution of Saffron that has been filtered and added the lime juice is heated to a boil. This way it can preserve it know for 3 days.
the industry knows is generally a home scale industry with a total work force of slightly more than 2-6 people and the necessary investment is not too large. Process technology in the industry know it is simple and easy to learn so that the industry knows can be run by anyone. The industry know also do not require extensive production sites and can be run in both urban Ghetto area provided that the discharge can be handled properly and not disturb the environment. The industry generates waste dregs of tofu and the tofu liquid waste is harmless, but if management is not good casually discarded into the environment can interfere with the comfort of the environment.

b. production techniques

the production process know relatively easy and simple and does not require high investment. The production process in general know about the same, it's just that some are using chemicals for penggumpal and there is a natural. The basic principle of making out is; sorting, soaking, grinding, boiling and diluting, filtering, printing, clotting, present participle, packaging.
a. materials
1) Soy 50 kg per day
2) water
b. Tool
1) large Buckets
2) Tampah (nyiru)
3) Filter Cloth
4) Wooden stirrer
5) Molds made of wood boards
6) Basket
7) Boiling furnace of cement coated stainless
8). Grinding machines

after the tools and materials are prepared, then the production process can be performed. Production process steps out is as follows:
1. Sorting
the sorting is done to eliminate soy shit-shit like rocks-rocks, leaves or stems of plants that carried on soy, soy or the disabled, so that only soy that has good quality course that was used for the making of tofu.
2. Immersion
after acquired disortasi, then soaked in soy by using clean water for approximately 8 hours. At the time of soaking hindaran affected by chemicals such as soaps, chlorine-containing water, exposed to salt, or oil.
3. Laundering
after the soaked soy, which is already soft and fluffy then washed clean by using well water, preferably washed in running water so lendirnya get carried away so soy is cleaner. Laundering aims to eliminate phlegm and acid properties. 4. Milling.
Soybeans that have been washed then ground using a machine and while added water little by little until the resulting slurry of soy that are white. This soy porridge ready to be boiled. With the use of the soya pulp bucket, poured into a tub of boiling.
5. Boiling
Boiling is done using a tub made of cement inside coated stainless materials with a diameter of 1 m and a height of approximately 1.2 m. Bak boiling using fuel wood, chaff, or remnants of sawn. The use of these fuels more efficiently and faster compared to using gas. Boiling is done for approximately one hour, during boiling do stirring continuously.
6. Filtering
after boiling, the soy slurry solution is filtered by using a very fine muslin, endapannya results in a tub of cement inside coated stainless materials. Do blackmail or presses so that the cider soy can be integral with optimum, then the separate ampasnya. Cider soy that has been cached and then add the water, dissolve 3 ml of vinegar for 1 litre cider soy, little by little while stirring slowly. Vinegar acid levels of 70-90% function helps in clotting cider soy.
7. Printing
after the soybean pollen deposition and clot experience, your next step is to do the printing. Printing can be done using molds made of wood measuring breadth of 40 x 40 cm 2 height approximately 10 cm as in the picture below, on each side of the mold created holes for the drain. Prepare your board prints blank and the top coated smooth and thin. Then, extract of soy is poured into the mold that had already coated the thin cloth, stacking prints 2-5 units, then the top of his covered with wooden boards, prints the topmost in give weights using a bucket filled with water.
8. Cutting
after the soybean juice pressed approximately 15 minutes, so that the water levels lower then produced out in the form of sheets in accordance with the printed size. Know who's still in the sheet move along the Board printed and stacked neatly in the cutting room. Cutting must be carried out immediately, so the idea didn't become soggy and stale. Know who is still the white sheets, cut into pieces using a sharp knife stainlees.
9. The initial Idea
Know that have been cut into pieces and then steamed using pot. If we willed know yellow, then it can be done boiling it knows who's been cut into pieces by adding turmeric mixed materials. Know it will be yellow in color and have a distinctive taste more delicious. In addition, know potoNGAN raw also can be fried with added seasonings, then soaked in water.
10. Packaging
Know that had steamed more than 15-20 minutes then packaged using plastic plus the water in order to know can last approximately 3-4 days. If we want to market the product to know the supermarket with middle to upper segments of the market, then we must have the product an attractive display in addition to the ideals it feels good.

c. economic analysis
nalisis industrial economy idea in this book using the assumption of household scale with a production capacity of 50 Kg per day. The price of the raw material of soy used Rp 6,000 per Kg. Amount of labor. Marketing is already running with the selling price of Rp. 5,000 per Kg.
1). Calculation of cost of production Per year
a. fixed costs (Fixed Cost)
fixed costs (Fixed Cost)
a 12 month employee Salary (12 x Rp 2,800,000 ,-)
us $ 36.000.000
Rent a place
Rp.   2,000,000
the Retraction tool (12%)
Rp.      345.000

the Total fixed costs
38.345.000 Rp

b are not fixed Costs (Variable Cost)
fixed costs
Cost Per month
raw materials soy 1300 Kg x Rp. 6000
7.800.000 Rp
93.600.000 Rp
vinegar @ IDR 12,500 x 20 litre
Rp.    250,000
Rp.   3,000,000
the fuel wood
Rp.    350.000
Rp.   4.250.000
means of water
Rp.    100,000
Rp.    1,200,000
means of Electricity
Rp.    100,000
Rp.    1,200,000

the Total Variable Cost
8.600.000 Rp
103.200.000 Rp
the Total production cost per year = fixed costs + Fixed Costs
= Rp. 141.545.000

2). The calculation of the Loss of profit Per year

Per month
Per year
the results of the sale @ Rp. 5000 per Kg x 3250 Kg per month
195.000.000 Rp
production costs
11.795.000 Rp
141.545.000 Rp

gross Income (without taking into account taxes)
Rp.  4.454.500
Rp.  53.455.000

4). Calculation of limits of loss/ the BEP in the quantity of the product
= 16,372 Kg per year
= 1,364 Kg per month
= 545.6 Kg of raw materials per month
= 21 Kg of raw material per day

5). Gross Benefit Cost Ratio
= Benefit Cost
= 1.38

d. Conclusion
from the foregoing analysis results obtained information of them B/C = 1.38 showed that B/C > 1 , so that it can be concluded the industry know it deserves to be executed.

source: http://www.agrotekno.net/2012/09/industri-tahu-bisnis-modal-kecil-dan.html
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