
Panduan Cara Budidaya Belut Di Air Jernih Tanpa Lumpur

Panduan Cara Budidaya Belut Di Air Jernih Tanpa Lumpur -
photo by: URwww.zonainfoku.com
In Indonesia, development of aquaculture eel Monopterus albus in intesif yet many do. The limitations of the development of the eel is suspected due to the still relatively easy to obtain from the eel catches nature and yet the existence of cultivation technology development that can be applied in the community. In this test, done with the adaptation of the eel on the container control and maintenance of the eel on the plastic tubs and hapa stored in ponds. Plastic tubs use only water without the use of the media the mud while hapa mounted hanging around in the pool. During maintenance of the eel was given a mix of artificial and natural diet food.

The results of activities shows the eel can adapt on clean water with various protective materials, including pieces of pipe paralon, aquatic plants, fiber sack and without patron. The eel can also be kept in plastic tubs and containers of hapa. During maintenance, the eel does not indicate stress response based on the indication of the color of the body and blood glucose levels. Maintenance on the hapa goals continue to be developed than in plastic tubs based on survival rates achieved. However, cultivation is still required for the process of study on feed that is suitable for the growth of eel.

The existence of this new technique of the eel farmers are already not Dizzy-Dizzy looking for "the stem of banana leaf, straw, mud, cow dung and others, we've not bother anymore to do bokasi and menfermentasikan.

Technically: as far as eating habits can be adopted and the need for feed can be controlled independently, disuplay should have an enlargement of the eel in the water supply can be done. However, control over possible attack diseases caused by the process of adaptation should be truly observed and guarded.

Advantage: with the enlargement of the eel on clean water, quantity (related to survival) and growth (which relate to the addition of weights) can always be controlled so that the production targets could be more realistic and focused for the amount of the promised seed of the eel in the water supply can be bigger (could even 10 to 30 times more than the promised seed sludge in the media).

Although there are still many people who do not/do not believe the existence of this latest Science (eel can live and be raised in a 100% clean water (clear water) without the mud, probably because they haven't seen and haven't ever tried it because not know engineering techniques in doing Farming Eels In [cleanwater

the excellence and excess Bidudaya Eel in the Water

• Eel easily controlled

the cultivation of eels in the Media of clean water without the mud is more effective compared to the cultivation of eels in the media mud. Particular ease in controlling against eel are raised, moreover if there are eels look sick or dead, will be easily visible so that it can soon be taken from outdoor cultivation.

• Promised More Eel Seed

the cultivation of Eel with media clean water allows farmers to increase the number of eels in the dikolam should be enlarged to reach 30 times as much per m2 in the appeal in the media mud eel cultivation. This can be done because in the media of clean water, mud function as a tool of protection/hideout for the eels, while cultivating the eel in eel body role clean water itself can be set as a refuge/shelter for the eel itself (a substitute of mud). In the eel Aquaculture in clean water based on a test run, for the size of the seed can be stocked eels/m2 30kg, whereas in the media mud promised seed to the size of 1 m2 could only us stocking 1 kg maximum 1, 5 kg, if the number exceeds the growth promised eels will be distracted, even could happen between the eel attack attack each other for fighting over territory. So the death rate in the media mud eels will be higher.

• Minimizes Number Cannibalism

like other animals, eels are raised in the muddy water is mainly a male eel or eels that had already reached the age of 6-8 months, will treat it as a refuge place habitat areas. When you feel disturbed by the other eel and his power is threatened, the eels will attack each other. That was the cause of the high mortality rate at eel-eel that we observe in the media of muddy water. However, in this case it will not happen on eels reared in the media of clean water without the mud, because between the eel each other thus need each other, in the method of farming eels in fresh water, the body of the eel is as a place for mutual protection and as a hiding place.

• Disappear And More Effective

Eel we already know his lifestyle which is always lurking in the watery mud. But the real thing where there are holes still belutnya eels there will surely be there is clear water. The existence of it means the terms of the life of the eel is in clear water (clean water), and without the lumpurpun still able to live and could be raised. Eel aquaculture in clean water (clear water) without the mud allows the farmers won't be the hassle of having to search for hay, debog banana or mud as medium but with the cultivation of the eel in the water clean enough with clear water only and in eel aquaculture in clean water will also save the land because in the fabrication of the pond with clean water, the media can be organized into 3 levels or more. in feeding in the media is also not clean water free of charge (mubadzir) because each of our stocking pakannya, eel will see so that eels would instantly with no predators.

The Main Cultivation fator Eel in the Water

some Fator main factors we should pay attention to In Cultivating the eel in the Water


in the eel Aquaculture in clean water, water is the main factor that is very influential on the development of the eel. If the water we use in our cultivation does not routinely eels at the controls then it would greatly influence on the development of the eel.
media_belut photo belut_media_air_zps3c65ba0e.jpg
What kind of decent water used clean water eel Cultivation? a decent water used in farming eels in fresh water was crystal clear water, has a temperature between 25-28 degrees C, water that does not contain harmful chemical substances. The water is less worthy/not good for farming eels in fresh water the water TAPS because many contain chemical substances (chlorine), direct water taken from wells bur due to very minimal content of oxygen and water waste.

Try the eel aquaculture in doing in clean water, pond water circulation must be present although with very small discharge (there are incoming and some outgoing). With the flow of water into the pond cultivation then it will increase the oxygen content in it so it is very influential in the development and growth of eel and we are also not too bothered to penggatian water. If there is no eel aquaculture pond water circulation and disposal, water will quickly dirty/cloudy, then we must frequently change the water at least 2 or 3 days, surely we would greatly inconvenience right? If the water is dirty/cloudy (brownish yellow color) water should immediately replace us. But unlike the dirt that settles didasar pond didasar pond, although already there is a sludge but still the water is crystal clear, the air is still worthy of the original endapannya we use, not too thick.


Feed also included one very important factor for the development and growth of the eel. Give the feed is secukup possible, try not to lack or don't overdo it and give the most favored eel feed, if in feeding on eels too much could result in rapid water dirty (as leftovers) and could lead to a negative effek on eel, eel so easy ill and eventually can result in death. If feeding on eels less, then it can cause the nature of cannibalism on our eel and we will also lose out because its growth will be long. During the eels still want to eat the feed do not switch to another feed in total, unless the eels eat with the feed we give, if eel would not eat with the feed we give, return its previous ones.

Types of eel feed, among others:
worm lor, Red worms, worm lumbricus, cere, fish cithol fish, guppy, goldfish saplings, tadpole (tadpoles), stomach frog, snail, Caterpillar rice mas/hongkong and many more.


the selection of seed quality eel is one of the important factors in determining the success of eel cultivation. Are generally nursery eel are still largely is the result of the natural catchment. Therefore, the technique of catching the seeds of nature determines the quality of the seed. The seeds are captured in a natural way using traps, such as bubu, is a pretty good seed for not undergoing treatment that lowers the quality. Instead, the seeds are obtained by means of not such good disetrum not including quality seeds. Because this kind of growth, the seeds are not will be a maximum (kuntet). Better yet if the seeds used are derived from cultivation. Its size will be more uniform and rarely esophageal diseases such as might happen on eel catches nature. Unfortunately, the eel seedlings cultivation for now is still very little.

Here are some things to be aware of the associated seed quality of eels.

1. Seeds used are healthy and there are no scars

the wound on the eel seedlings can occur due to disetrum, blow hard objects, or treatment when transporting. Generally, the seeds are obtained by means of disetrum attribute can not be directly visible, but the new note 10 days later. One of the characteristics there are white spots like the lines on the surface of the body that gradually will be flushed and rosy-colored section of the rectum. Disetrum seeds will be nerve damage so that its growth is not the maximum.

2. Seedling looks Frisky and aggressive

the seeds are always mendongakan over her head and her body's been flipping should be taken only because the eels already like this is not healthy and can eventually die. a healthy eel has the traits: quiet but lively, eels will take the oxygen over quickly kamudian back down again.

3. Healthy appearance characterized the body is hard and not buckled at the time held
in our time holding the eel surely we will get a feel for the situation, when the eel when we hold remains silent/limp or not wriggle/no resistance want to freelance, preferably separated, because eel eel eel like it less healthy. And sekaliknya if we hold the body feels hard and always wants to wriggle loose from the grip of the hand we are discrete, the eel like this deserves our budidayakan.

4. The size of the seedlings uniform and quarantined in advance

the seeds are inserted into the container size enlargement must be uniform. This is done to avoid cannibalism on the nature of the eel. Seedlings originating from natural catch should be sorted and quarantined. His goal was to avoid the disease germ attacks might be carried away from the place of living or outdoor maintenance eel eel for the election and before the healthy and unhealthy. The trick is to enter the eel seedlings into the pool or tub of water fed let quiet first eels (approximately 1 hour) then give the whisk eggs mixed with honey 1 hours later water replacement done and let the eel to bener-bener quietly let sit approx 1 day 1 night then enter kekolam pembesaraan seedlings.

Density (Volume)

the density of promised seeds in the enlargement of other types of fish are very affect on development of growth and mortality rates, for example, in the enlargement of other types of fish such as catfish, tilapia, gurame etc, if penebarannya is too dense, stunted can enlargement time although feeding is in compliance with its size and can also result in a high mortality rate.

But the Eel enlargement method in this clean water media is very different with the promised seed types of other fish, the density of the promised seed of the eel was very instrumental in the growth and death rates. Promised seed density to the growth of eel, depending in the process of feeding and for death rate thus can minimize it.

Preparing for Enlargement

the first step

the first step to doing business in eel cultivation of clean water is kept in the feed, the eel cultivation of doing business, if we don't want to experience the constraints notably feed and we will also be able to reduce operational costs for this business, do the first step is to take 3 or 4 months keeping the pakannya our first before spreading seeds of eel. Because of the constraints during the eel farmers either use media mud nor water media is feeding on the uncertain because they had not prepared the first pakannya dahuludan up to now the most preferred eel feed is a feed from nature, although there is already an eel farmers in the awarding of pakannya using this type of pellets, but after dihitung-hitung the results of the analysis of its business is still very minimal but in every effort surely to get more benefits, not even a waste of money or effort we kan???

Many cultivators eel that is still underestimated this and eventually they are going to hassle yourself because every day should find the create feed eel otherwise, they have to buy pakannya, so for its operational costs would further swell to purchase fodder. With us to keep the feed first insyaALLOH will easily count the number of harvest and analysis efforts.

Location requirements

in klimatologis eel requires no climatic conditions and geographic specific. The altitude of the place of fish farming eels could be on the lowlands to the Highlands. Similarly, with the humidity and rainfall no specific restrictions.
The quality of the water for maintenance of the eel should be clean, not too murky and not polluted to toxic chemicals, and oil/sewage plant. The condition of the pond is not toxic.
Air temperature/temperature optimum for growth of eel that is ranging between 25-28 degrees c.
aquatic conditions in principle is the water should be clean and rich in osigen especially for seedlings/seeds that are still small.

The eel is a water animal always mucus from her body as her sensitive protection mechanism. Mucus that comes out from the body of the eel quite a lot so that he can influence the degree movies acidity (pH) water place in his life. the pH of water that can be accepted by the eels average a maximum of 7. If the pH of the water places enlargement has exceeded the threshold of tolerance, water must be neutralized, by way of mensirkulasikan or succeed. Thus, outdoor/place of enlargement should be equipped with equipment that allows for replacement or water circulation.

There are several kinds of places that can be used for cultivation for eel in clean water (clear water) without mud include: permanent ponds (tub of cement), plastic tubs, tong (drums).
In the Eel Cultivation with the use of the media the mud in the container/place and room 5 x 5 meters, can only be made for 1 outdoor course different from the cultivation of eel diair NET with containers and 5 x 5 meters, can dikembangkanya 3 times the container cultivation itself, because in cultivation of clean water we just need the water height 30 Cm, then budiaya place we could be 3-level stacking or 3 apartments.

source: URhttp://aneka-usahaperikanan.blogspot.co.id/2012/05/budidaya-belut-di-air-jernih-tanpa.html
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